Jenny had her second therapeutic horseback riding session this past Saturday. The first session was awful. Jenny screamed the entire time. I wasn't even sure we should take her back for another session. Travis wasn't able to go the first time, so I thought we would give it another chance. She complained about wearing the safety belt and helmet, but no extreme screaming like before. Travis was able to participate in the therapy session. I really believe that made all the difference. (Jenny is a daddy's girl.) This session seemed to be really beneficial. She didn't cry and scream while riding and actually appeared to be enjoying it by the end of the lesson. That made it clear to me that we aren't going without Daddy in the future!
On the adoption front, nothing new to report. We are still waiting.
I'm really glad you guys went back. I am a firm believer in horse therapy. I recently read a father's story about his autistic son and thier journey and healing involving horses. As soon as I remember the name I'll email it to you! I'm getting old and forgetful you know! Kenny said he found a grey hair on my head today.