Jenny has her last horseback therapy session tomorrow. We are stopping for the summer due to the heat. She has finally got to the point of really enjoying it. The horse that Jenny rides has a unique story I thought I would share. The horse is Mitzy. Mitzy was a Make-a-Wish horse. A young girl that was ill made her wish for a horse. She received Mitzy. Within a short time period, Mitzy went blind. The vet suggested that Mitzy should be put down. The young girl did not like that option and sought a home for Mitzy. Luckily, Mitzy came to live with the therapy center. At first, they thought they would be a temporary home until a long term home could be found for Mitzy. As time passed, they decided to try Mitzy out as a therapy horse. Mitzy was a natural. Mitzy has a wonderful temperament. I love that Mitzy, with special needs, has found a way to help children and adults with special needs. Mitzy proves that a disability does not diminish your contribution to the world!
On the adoption front, we continue to wait. I think we have decided to go ahead and paint the baby's room. We have decided on a fabulous shade of green, Tinkerbell green. I'm ready for a referral and getting the room ready for a new addition to the Ragland household.