Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Ziploc to South Korea

We found out last week we could finally send something to Callie. We could send as much as we could stuff in a gallon ziploc bag. We were able to send her more than I expected. We sent a scarf and candy to her foster mom and family. For Callie, we sent an outfit, two pairs of socks, a bib, a photo album, a gund worm rattle, and a lady bug toy. The last item in the bag was a gift bag for all the items. We were so overjoyed that Callie will get these items for Christmas. (Attached are pictures of the items in the bag and the final packed ziploc.)
Jenny is doing great. We are excited for Christmas because this will be the first year that she has really understood to some extent what is going on. She loves touching the tree which is why it is surrounded by baby gates. I hope to post pictures of Jenny with the tree or Santa soon.
Happy Holiday season!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Dinner by Travis

Thursday, November 12, 2009
Callie is 7 months old today!
Unfortunately, no new pictures of Callie. Today Callie is 7 months old. I hope she is having a good day. I know our wait to meet her has grown due to the meeting of the quota on EPs. This saddens me, but I know that everything will work out.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Pictures from Halloween

This was the first year that we took Jenny out of the house on Halloween. We have always dressed her up and took pictures, but never ventured outside the house. Jenny really didn't get the whole Halloween/trick or treating until the end of the night. Then she kept letting me know that she wanted to go some more. Travis and I carved the pumpkin while Jenny took her nap. We had a great time, but didn't have many trick or treators at our house. That was pretty surprising. I posted a few pictures. Jenny was Abby Cadabby from Sesame Street this year. Jen loves anything Sesame Street!
On the adoption front, we are just waiting. Right now we are waiting on Callie's legals to show up. Since we aren't even a full month into the wait, I can say it hasn't been bad. However, I know that will change. I'm just glad that the holidays will keep us busy. I'm sad she won't be with us for Christmas, but I know that she is loved in her foster home.
Friday, October 30, 2009
New Name

After many attempts, we finally have a name for our new daughter. She will be called Callie Lynn JeeMin Ragland. We are so excited for her to come home. The wait will be long and painful, but we know that she has excellent care and is happy. That provides us with comfort. Now, the buying begins! We need more car seats, another high chair, baby furniture, nursery decorations . . .the list keeps growing!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Our New Daughter
We received a referral! She is a beautiful girl born on April 12, 2009. She is living with her 35 year old foster mom and her family in South Korea. We hope that we will be able to go get her in 3 to 6 months. We are so excited and can't wait to meet her. I've attached four pictures. The woman in the picture is her foster mother. This is the foster mother's first baby. My heart breaks for the birth mother that had to relinquish such a beautiful child, but the foster mother will definitely have a hard time after caring for this wonderful being for so long. Pray that time passes fast!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

We have been waiting for a referral for 7 months today. My patience is still holding. Luckily, we are so busy that there isn't much time to think about a referral. We held our annual benefit for the day school. The crowd was low this year, but we still received lots of donations. We truly enjoy giving back to a school that helped us through the first year of Jenny's life. Travis is still really busy with school. I've been on a frantic search for both flu vaccines for Jenny as well as both of us. The mass flu clinics being held around the state seem to be our best bet. I just want to make sure that Jenny is protected. I guess I just can't understand those parents that refuse to vaccinate their kids. Both vaccines went through the same testing process. I definitely think any risk with the vaccines is outweighed by the risk of serious complications from either form of the flu. I know of two children with Jenny's disorder that passed away last flu season from complications from the regular seasonal flu. I wish all parents would take the precautions because even if your child survives what about the child that contracted the flu from your child? What if that child becomes seriously ill or even worse dies? I guess I will get off my soapbox for now. I just get frustrated with parents that can't see the danger they put all kids in by not vaccinating, not just theirs.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Family Photo Session

We had family photos made a few weeks ago. It was our first ever family photos. They turned out pretty good. Jenny is not always an easy subject to photograph. She hardly smiled in the group pictures and my mouth seems to be constantly open! I was talking-imagine that! I've posted a few of the best pictures. A woman I went to high school with that is a few years younger than me took these. She is very gifted! If you need pictures, check out her website. ( She is located in the Russellville/Pope County area.
Jenny's New Hairdo

We had been having trouble with Jenny chewing on her hair, so we cut it short! I am still getting use to it. I loved the long hair and hadn't cut it (other than bangs) since she was born. After the haircut, only one lone stripe of blonde hair remains. I was under the misconception that cutting her hair short would make my life easier. Boy was I wrong! The washing is fast, but drying her hair takes forever. I have to use a round brush to get it to curl under because her hair is super straight. The good news is that since cutting her hair she hasn't chewed on it anymore.
Travis is staying busy with work and school. He goes so much that Jenny and I hardly see him anymore. This week has been the worst. He had class Monday night, Tuesday night, work on Wednesday night, class again on both Thursday and Friday night and work all day Saturday. Thankfully we will see him all day Sunday.
We are still waiting for a referral! I'm finally patient. It really hasn't bothered me that much in the last week and a half or so. It will happen when it happens.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Six months waiting!

Sunday will bring us to six months waiting for a referral. I really had hoped to have a referral by now, but the waiting continues. I guess I shouldn't rush the referral since the wait to bring home the child will be harder I think. For the last week or two, it has felt to me like it just isn't going to happen. I know it will, but the wait is driving me crazy. Patience is definitely not a virtue I have.
Jenny is happy and healthy. We are trying real hard to keep it that way. Travis is busy with work and school. As for me, I spend my time trying to keep up with work, Jenny, Travis, the adoption wait, house work and everything else.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Labor Day Weekend

We enjoyed our three day weekend. We spent Saturday cleaning the house. That wasn't much fun, but it was very necessary. Saturday night we listened to the Razorbacks play some football. Way to go Hogs! On Sunday, Jenny and I went to my parents since Travis was working. Jenny loved riding on the four-wheeler with her Pop. She also loved getting to see all the animals my parents' neighbors have. She got to pet two very gentle horses. My parents followed me home on Saturday afternoon so we could go shopping in Conway. It was so nice to get to be home on Monday. Travis came in from work and we had a nice breakfast together. We decided to take Jenny to the park to let her play. She loved it. She got to swing and slide. The playground area we went to had only one other family, and they didn't stay long. The attached picture is Jenny loving the swings and her walking with her Daddy. It was a fantastic weekend!
On the adoption front, still waiting for a referral!!!!!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
5 months waiting

Today is our official fifth month of waiting for a referral. I really hope we get a referral within the next month. I'm so excited to find out if it is a boy or a girl. I want to get started on the room and supplies. Travis has his first day of classes today at law school. Thankfully orientation is over and we can settle into his normal school schedule. Jenny has moved to a new classroom at her preschool/therapy center. The transition has seemed not to bother her at all. I can't believe she is 3! Where does the time go?
Monday, August 17, 2009
Summer is Ending

I am terrible at blogging. I never remember to update! Jenny is doing great. She has had a nice summer. Knock on wood-we haven't had to go to the pediatrician since February. Travis started law school last week. He is excited to start this new adventure. I'm still in the holding pattern of work and home. On the adoption front, no referral yet. I was doing fine until about three weeks ago. At this point, it is beginning to drive me slightly crazy. We are number two on the unofficial wait list. Seeing us in that position has really made it hard for me. I just keep thinking about when the call will come, what she or he will look like, when will we get to travel, the MONEY, getting the room ready, buying clothes. . . on and on the list goes. So, hopefully the next time I post I will be announcing the referral of our new child!
Friday, June 26, 2009

Jenny has her last horseback therapy session tomorrow. We are stopping for the summer due to the heat. She has finally got to the point of really enjoying it. The horse that Jenny rides has a unique story I thought I would share. The horse is Mitzy. Mitzy was a Make-a-Wish horse. A young girl that was ill made her wish for a horse. She received Mitzy. Within a short time period, Mitzy went blind. The vet suggested that Mitzy should be put down. The young girl did not like that option and sought a home for Mitzy. Luckily, Mitzy came to live with the therapy center. At first, they thought they would be a temporary home until a long term home could be found for Mitzy. As time passed, they decided to try Mitzy out as a therapy horse. Mitzy was a natural. Mitzy has a wonderful temperament. I love that Mitzy, with special needs, has found a way to help children and adults with special needs. Mitzy proves that a disability does not diminish your contribution to the world!
On the adoption front, we continue to wait. I think we have decided to go ahead and paint the baby's room. We have decided on a fabulous shade of green, Tinkerbell green. I'm ready for a referral and getting the room ready for a new addition to the Ragland household.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Horseback Riding

Jenny had her second therapeutic horseback riding session this past Saturday. The first session was awful. Jenny screamed the entire time. I wasn't even sure we should take her back for another session. Travis wasn't able to go the first time, so I thought we would give it another chance. She complained about wearing the safety belt and helmet, but no extreme screaming like before. Travis was able to participate in the therapy session. I really believe that made all the difference. (Jenny is a daddy's girl.) This session seemed to be really beneficial. She didn't cry and scream while riding and actually appeared to be enjoying it by the end of the lesson. That made it clear to me that we aren't going without Daddy in the future!
On the adoption front, nothing new to report. We are still waiting.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Soccer Ends

Jenny played in her last soccer game this past Saturday. She was finally beginning to get the concept of the game. I'm excited to see how well she does next year. We had a busy weekend. We went to Marshall for high school graduation. The trip took forever to get there and coming back wasn't much better. We actually had to go through a sobriety check point on the way home. We were all tired and fussy by that point. Luckily we got home safely. Saturday was full with hair appointments and soccer. Horseback riding was cancelled again. It seems that things just won't align right for horseback. Hopefully, we will get back on track this week. Travis and I had a nice day on Monday. We went to see Star Trek with some friends while a babysitter watched our kids. The movie was fantastic. On the adoption front, we are still waiting. That will most likely be our status for several months. We are fortunate that Jenny keeps us busy enough to not drive ourselves crazy with the wait. The last bit of exciting news in our world- we are land owners! We bought 21.6 acres of land in Marshall. We don't intend to build a home up there, maybe a cabin for escape eventually, but land is always a good investment because they sure aren't making more of it.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
First Official Blog Post

This is the first post on our family blog. There is lots going on in our lives. Our daughter, Jenny, has a genetic disorder called Criduchat. She is a remarkable child and has enriched our lives beyond measure. Jenny is currently playing soccer and doing therapeutic horseback riding on top of her regular weekly physical, occupational and speech therapy sessions. She likes the soccer, but not so much the horseback riding. We are on the official waiting list for a referral to adopt a child from Korea. You do not get to chose gender, but can put in a preference. We have requested a girl. We hope to get a referral before the end of the year and travel as soon as allowed thereafter. Travis is returning to school this fall to attend law school while still working a full time job. As for me, I'm working full-time and keeping up with my family (which is another full- time job).
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