Arkansas plays Alabama this coming Saturday! It is a huge game and my girls are ready to support the Hogs! A friend of ours made these adorable tutus and tops. I wish Jenny would have let me get a better picture, but maybe this Saturday.
Jenny had her first dance class last night. We are so fortunate to live in an area that has an "I Can Dance" program. It is a non-profit organization, Community Connections, that creates dance classes for disabled children. The program is called "I Can Dance." Jenny was the only student there until the last 15 minutes. She adored it. There were six "buddies" there to help, so Jen got all the attention. She actually will get to perform at "A Royal Night Out", the fundraiser for Community Connections. I love to see her happy and this makes her happy!
Labor Day weekend was a nice break from the real world. I actually got laundry caught up and the house mostly clean on Saturday before my friend, Jenny, came for a visit. We had a nice time catching up and she kept me company while Trav was at the station. On Sunday, we went to Marshall to visit Travis's family and friends. That night our friends' daughter delivered their first grandson! It is so funny that we are on the front end of kids while they are on the back end! We might actually wind up with a child younger than their grandchildren! That is just crazy. Matthew Austin Glen weighed in at 7 lbs. 4 oz. and is just perfect. We spent a nice day Monday. We took the girls to Toad Suck Park and let them play. It was such nice weather and fun to watch them. Then we visited the new baby. Neither girl was in a very good mood about being at the hospital, so it was a short visit. Later that night, I went to dinner with a friend that also adopted from Korea. It was nice to share stories of the kids without them there! Now we are back in the day to day real world. We look forward to Jenny starting dance class this Wednesday and a welcome home party for Callie on Saturday! I attached a few pics from our weekend.
The girls and I loaded up and went to the firehouse last night. We needed a family photo to finish our picture requirements for our post-placement visit from August. The one that was taken wouldn't turn out. The girls love going to see Daddy at work. Jenny begins to kick in her carseat when she sees the station and yell "Daddy!" That is quite a big deal for a child that is mostly non-verbal. Also, Jenny likes to go to sit with "Uncle Fred" (Travis's captain) and watch Sesame Street videos on the computer. This was the first visit for Callie to get to climb on the firetruck. We got lots of great pictures! I've attached a few to share! Life is good.