Ragland Family Adventures
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Lots to Share
Beckett Lawrence Ragland joined our family on July 2nd. He is a wonderful addition and so different from the girls. He looks just like his daddy and melts my heart with each lopsided grin. Callie started a new preschool this fall. She is the smartest child. She amazes me with what she soaks up each day. She recently started writing her name! Callie is still a challenge and wants every second of my attention, good or bad. She told me just yesterday as she looked at the costume catalog, "Guess what Mom, you get to be a witch for Halloween!" If it wasn't obvious, she was unhappy with me. Jenny started kindergarten this year. I am really struggling with it. The school district wants to fight with us over her having her own aide. She has days she just seems agitated and unhappy. This is where her not talking is really taking a toll on me. I desperately need to know she is okay and happy. I've also had a harder time b/c I see more normally developing kids and realize all the things Jenny will miss in life. However, it makes me twice as determined to make her life great no matter the cost. We finally finished building our new home. It is nice, but still doesn't quite feel like home. Travis finishes law school in December and takes the bar exam in February. I feel like I am not a good employee b/c of how much time I've been out of the office and continue to have to be out of the office. I love my job and my bosses, and just hope they can bear with me! I'm going to try to blog more often. Attached are a few pics to update everyone.
Monday, February 20, 2012
It's a BOY!!!!!
I will be honest and admit that I wanted a girl. I have all the stuff for a girl. Also I have almost six years mothering a daughter. But alas it is a boy. We plan to name him Beckett Lawrence Ragland. Jenny is happy it is a brother. Callie had a harder time accepting it. She really wanted a sister. I spent today going through and dividing all my girl clothes that Callie had outgrown. Then I took ten trash bags full of clothes to one friend, five bags to another and four bags donated to foster children. Now it is time to shop!
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Jenny walking for the first time
I had this video on my work computer and finally loaded it to youtube. I thought I would share with the world. Doctors told us she would never walking. Here she is at 3 years old walking unassisted for the first time.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Way behind on Updates!

I completely forget to update my blog. We have been so busy lately that the world has been flying by us. We had to move the first week in December because we sold our house and were not informed about closing. Thus, we were given one week to find a rent home and move. Also, we are expecting another child! He or she is due July 7th, but I am hoping the doctor takes the little bundle of joy a week early. We had a great Christmas. The girls really enjoyed themselves. Callie was much more concerned with the candy in her stocking and the candy canes on the tops of presents to worry with the gifts inside. Now we are waiting to finish the paperwork on our construction loan, so we can break ground. So many changes and such a short time! We are really busy but enjoying almost every minute of it.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I was so proud of the girls this year on Halloween. Last year Callie hadn't been home long and was still insecure with strangers. Jenny is always difficult to read. She has never really enjoyed trick or treating because she really doesn't care about the candy. So this year, both girls wanted to dress up like Olivia the Pig. They looked great and no one was fussing over their costumes! They did great. Jenny did get tired of walking and had to be carried some, but overall it was a success. Jenny even verbally said "thank you" more than once!!!!
Monday, September 19, 2011
Lost Tooth!

Jenny lost her first tooth on Saturday. We have not been able to find the tooth as she pulled it herself. We did the appropriate thing and had her do a sworn affidavit to the tooth fairy to prove the legitimacy of her claim. She had a good time doing the letter to the tooth fairy. Also, when the morning came and the tooth fairy had left her a note and present, she was thrilled. She is so proud of her big accomplishment! She shows everyone her missing tooth. I just can't believe she is that old! It is going way too quickly!
Monday, August 22, 2011
Summer is winding down

Summer is coming to a close. It is still very hot and has kept us indoors more than we would like. I have had fun gardening this summer and canning. I've made jellies, jams and pickles. I can't wait how to learn to do more next summer. We also bought land this summer to build a new house on. We will be fixing up our current home and hoping to sell it. We must sell it before we can even begin on a new house for us. The girls have had a fun summer. Jenny turned 5. I can't believe it. The time has gone so quickly. She is skipping kindergarten this year and will go next year. It was sad for her to start a new class at preschool without her familiar friends. They all went to kindergarten and she stayed behind. However, Jenny and Callie both like their new classes. Today is the first day back for the fall term for Travis. Luckily, he has only 16 more months of school left! It will be nice to have that tuition money back and more importantly him. Hopefully, the fall will go as smoothly as the summer.
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